November LPF Newsletter

We are approaching the end of the year at La Plage Factory in style. Last week, we held our last meetup in a series of monthly community gatherings this year at Coworking Port Louis.

Community members converge at Coworking Port Louis.

Meet up highlight
This month's meetup was special as we had the Mauritius Research and Innovation Council (MRIC) team join us. They met with founders, gathered feedback and insights on improving the National SME Incubator Scheme for startup founders, in preparation for the next generation of NSIS.
We were delighted to welcome Rwazi's founders, Joseph Rutakangwa and Eric Sewankambo, who attended the pitching session. They provided valuable feedback to our upcoming entrepreneurs and shared insights and strategies for effective elevator pitches.

LPF Monthly Highlights
🔹 Our mentor cooptation campaign brought five new mentors on board, with diverse experience and motivation to support our startups.
🔹 Our first cohort of 6 startups is ready for acceleration
🔹 Congratulations to Stéphanie Bouloc of La Déchetèque, for winning the Women’s Entrepreneurs Award.
🔹Stay tuned for the upcoming video highlights showcasing stories of our startups, with a special feature on Pharmaforma.

Ecosystem Updates
Incubators/MRIC strategy meeting - Our meeting with fellow NSIS accredited incubators and the MRIC was productive, focusing on exploring synergies to enhance support for founders and strengthen the NSIS program.
Invest Night - Mo Angels is collaborating with La French Tech Mauritius for an exclusive event on the 5th of December featuring a masterclass on due diligence, and a roundtable discussion with early-stage investors.

Call for Tech for Good Startup Projects
Are you an ambitious entrepreneur gearing to turn your innovative idea into a reality? Or perhaps you are a SME looking for avenues to scale up? Look no more; we are looking for founders with a growth mindset to join our next incubation cycle. Follow this link to apply.

Get in Touch
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our guests and all the esteemed attendees.
Interested in engaging with La Plage Factory as a startup, partner, sponsor, or mentor? Visit our website at or reach out to us at
Let's build a brighter future for Mauritius, Africa, and the world! 🌍


La Plage Factory 29 Nov, 2023 LPF